Jerinx SID
Kalau kamu mengikuti
berita beberapa terakhir belakangan ini, kamu pasti tahu dong soal
pemimpin kelompok Bali Nine yang akan segera dieksekusi mati. Karena
keputusan itulah Australia pun memberikan Kecaman pada Indonesia dan pulau Bali.
Banyaknya warga Australia yang tidak setuju dengan hukuman mati itu pun
menumpahkan rasa kesal mereka di jejaring media sosial. Bahkan, beberapa
hari ini pun hashtag #BoycottBali masih ramai di dunia para netizen.Semua ini bermula dari wawancara Menteri Luar Negeri Australia yang terkesan seolah memberi kecaman pada Indonesia. Bukan cuma itu saja, salah satu media Australia pun sempat memprediksi kalau kunjungan warga negara mereka akan berkurang dari pulau Bali.
Karena banyaknya hal dan ungkapan-ungkapan yang memang berujung pada kecaman boikot Bali oleh Australia, band rockabilly asal pulau Bali,Superman Is Dead, pun ikut gerah. Lewat akun Facebook mereka, band yang juga akrab disapa dengan SID ini pun akhirnya ikut memberikan tanggapan.
Dengan keras, mereka menyatakan kalau tindakan boikot Australia tidak akan berpengaruh apapun pada pulau Dewata. Nggak cuma itu, mereka juga menuntut rasa hormat para warga Australia yang sering meresahkan warga Bali karena sikap semena-mena mereka.
Jerinx cs juga mengungkapkan kalau sikap seenaknya para wisatawan negeri Kangguru itu sangat tidak sopan jika dibandingkan dengan hangat sambutan yang diberikan para warga Bali. Kalau menurut kamu bagaimana?
Berikut tanggapan Superman Is Dead terhadap ancaman boikot Australia terhadap pulau Bali.
As Balinese, we don’t have racist inclinations towards anyone. Absolutely not. But we think the idea that SOME Australians have, about boycotting Bali because of the death sentence that two convicted Aussie drug smugglers have received on Indonesian soil, is an over-reaction. We understand that SOME Australians are asking for a lighter sentence, but to threaten a boycott of Bali? Bali has very high numbers of tourists from countries other than Australia, including Japan, China, Russia, USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand and all our Asian neighbours and can in fact survive without Australian tourism.
Those threatening to boycott Bali probably do not realise that many of us Balinese feel sick to our stomachs, to see the way SOME Aussie tourists completely disrespect our people and our culture. There is a percentage of them who act like kings, as if anything can be bought with their Australian dollars. They are over-confident and think that even the basics of Indonesian law can be influenced by their threats of boycott. This is an opportunity for us to tell you…the way SOME Aussie tourists behave over here is unacceptable and we can really do without that type of tourist so please, if you are in that category, do stay away. Mutual respect is what is needed from from all sides and that includes respecting and abiding by each other's laws.
To those Aussies threatening to boycott Bali we would say firstly there are two sides to every coin and secondly if you come here and break our laws, you will be punished no matter who you are just as we would be if breaking laws in your country. Bali doesn’t need rubbish. No country does. RESPECT! THAT’S WHAT WE ALL NEED!
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